Showing 26 - 50 of 244 Results
Reminiscences of Charles Durand by Durand, Charles ISBN: 9781145461659 List Price: $48.75
Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand Exhibited at the Grolier Club, April, Mdcc... by Hart, Charles Henry, Grolie... ISBN: 9781147427516 List Price: $20.75
Soldiers of the Victorian Age: Sir Herbert Edwardes. Sir Henry Marion Durand. Lord Chelmsfor... by Low, Charles Rathbone ISBN: 9781148016375 List Price: $38.75
Raisons Mystiques Et Historiques De La Liturgie Catholique (French Edition) by Barthlemy, Charles, Barthél... ISBN: 9781148224220 List Price: $44.75
L'art De Vrifier Les Dates... (French Edition) by Warden, David Bailie, Cléme... ISBN: 9781146586665 List Price: $39.75
The life of George Washington by William, 1790-1860|Peale, C... ISBN: 9781131070773 List Price: $41.99
Reminiscences by Durand, Charles ISBN: 9781177199599 List Price: $48.75
Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B Durand Exhibited at the Grolier Club, April, Mdcccxcv by Grolier Club, Press, Gillis... ISBN: 9781171495567 List Price: $18.75
Passing of Aschrel, in Memoriam Charles Durand Oldright, June 23, 1872-January 19 1896 by Ziller, Robert L. ISBN: 9781172397334 List Price: $15.75
Chimie Appliquee : A L'Art de L'Ingenieur (1885) by Durand-Claye, Charles Léon ISBN: 9781168438423 List Price: $23.16
Rational ou manuel des divins offices de Guillaume Durand: ou, Raisons mystiques et historiq... by Barthélemy Charles 1825-1888 ISBN: 9781246981278 List Price: $41.75
The writings of George Washington: being his correspondence, addresses, messages, and other ... by Ma.)|Sparks, Jared, 1789-18... ISBN: 9781131135557 List Price: $38.99
Dix Jours de Campagne, Ou la Hollande En 1831 by Durand, Charles ISBN: 9781246158991 List Price: $32.75
Dix Jours de Campagne by Durand, Charles ISBN: 9781246317992 List Price: $32.75
Recueil de Romances Historiques, Tendres et Burlesques Tant Anciennes Que Modernes, Avec les... by Lusse, Charles De, Poinsine... ISBN: 9781276974929 List Price: $32.75
Preliminary Report of the Federal Trade Commission on Investment and Profit in Soft-Coal Mining by United States. Federal Trad... ISBN: 9781248934692 List Price: $26.75
Rational, Ou Manuel des Divins Offices de Guillaume Durand Ou Raisons Mystiques et Historiqu... by Durandus, Guillelmus, Barth... ISBN: 9781276010832 List Price: $38.75
Raisons Mystiques et Historiques de la Liturgie Catholique by Barth�lemy, Charles, Durand... ISBN: 9781143156014 List Price: $38.75
Rational ou manuel des divins offices de Guillaume Durand: ou, Raisons mystiques et historiq... by Barthélemy Charles 1825-1888 ISBN: 9781246852295 List Price: $38.75
Historique du 117e R�giment d'Infanterie de Ligne by Durand, Charles ISBN: 9781235455759 List Price: $14.14
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